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Trade Union sanatorium Khmilnyk


Proven efficiency of recovery 98%

Price from 1250 UAH

Trade Union sanatorium Khmilnyk

May 16, 2024

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Apr 18, 2024

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Mar 24, 2024

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Trade Union sanatorium Khmilnyk - Фото 1

Welcome to the Khmilnyk Profsoyuzny Sanatorium - the most popular in demanded recreational and recreation complex in the resort Khmilnyk! Your vacation will be as comfortable and efficient as possible - away from city noise, among coniferous and mixed forests saturated with ozone and special substances - phytoncides - which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the body.

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Trade Union sanatorium Khmilnyk - Фото 2

In the sanatorium "Khmilnyk" you will receive high-quality and effective treatment of diseases almost all systems and organs (the most effective is chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system), improve the overall condition of the body, rest and improve your health. You can silently listen to the birds and feed the squirrels, or take excursions and chat in fun restaurants; Meet and learn the history of the resort or learn to draw.

В нашем многопрофильном клиническом санатории вы получите

Benefits of the Khmilnyk Trade Union Sanatorium



Meals at the Khmilnyk Trade Union Sanatorium are varied, complete and healthy, according to the pre-order system. All products that are used for cooking, clean and fresh. A variety of dishes will satisfy even the most discerning guests of our sanatorium. Healthy food should be delicious!



The beautiful and well-groomed territory of the Khmelnik Sanatorium, immersed in flowers and greenery, consists of 9 residential buildings with a variety of cozy gazebos, medical and diagnostic department, dining room, alternative medicine building, Chapel of Apostles Peter and Paul, a pharmacy, a small resort market, and also beauty salons, cafes and shops, parking lots.

Medical composition and medical diagnostic base

Medical composition and medical diagnostic base

For your recovery, 40 doctors of different categories and specialties work. The treatment and diagnostic base of the Khmilnyk Trade Union Sanatorium is equipped with modern instrumentation and treatment methods that complement the traditional methods of classical balneological rehabilitation.



На теретории 9 уютных спальных корпусов с номерами от категории Эконом и до Люкс+. Все номера одно- или двухкомнатные, и оснащены необходимым набором удобств для комфортного отдыха и оздоровления в нашем санатории. Для особо взыскательных гостей предлагаем Апартаменты.

Diseases that we treat

Diseases of the organs of support and motion

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Diseases of gynecology and andrology

Diseases of the nervous system (central, peripheral)

Diseases of the endocrine system

Skin Diseases


How to book a trip

1. Select the date of arrival and room category. Determine the number of days, at least 12. 2. Write a reservation request for Viber or WhatsApp, or Telegram +38(097)279-67-97. Example "Please reserve a junior suite single room for 860 UAH on April 25, Ivan Ivanov, for 18 days." You will receive an answer confirming the desired date of arrival, or with a proposal of a different date or room. You can call , get a consultation and book by phone. 3. To confirm your reservation you need to make an advance payment. We will send details for easy payment from any bank in the world.


How to pay a voucher

To confirm your reservation you need to make an advance payment. We will send details for easy payment from any bank in the world. If you cannot afford to pay the voucher in advance, this can be done already in the sanatorium after the settlement.


Settlement Rules

Расчетное время в санатории 8.00 утра, поселение и выселение происходит круглосуточно. По приезду, заходите в Приемное отделение в Регистратуру (в порядке очереди!). Там называете фамилию, предъявляете паспорт, отвечаете на вопросы регистратора. Вам выпишут санаторно-курортную книжку к врачу, выдадут талоны в корпус и столовую, и пропуск в поликлинику. Направят, в какой корпус идти, к постовой медсестре. Постовая выдаст ключи от номера, и подскажет в каком кабинете принимает врач. Врач при необходимости назначит доп. обследования и распишет процедуры – и Вы приступаете к оздоровлению!


What is included in the price of the voucher

The cost of any voucher includes: accommodation in a room of the chosen category, 4 meals a day and basic treatment as prescribed by a doctor (medical procedures and diagnostic examinations are prescribed by the doctor regarding the underlying disease and the patient’s health condition). The difference in the cost of the permit depends only on the category of the room. For luxury vacationers and above the price includes an improved meal in a separate commercial hall.


What you need to have with you

If you are traveling for the first time, we strongly recommend to issue a sanatorium-resort card, form 072 / o, in the clinic at your place of residence. With a need a passport, money, comfortable clothing for the season. Regarding treatment - take all the results of examinations, tests, MRI - all that is.

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© Trade Union sanatorium Khmilnyk 2024