• Русский Українська
Trade Union sanatorium Khmilnyk


Proven efficiency of recovery 98%

Price from 1250 UAH

The diseases we treat

Apr 10, 2019

Indications for rehabilitation therapy of patients with diseases of the joints.

High results of treatment of various diseases of the joints brought wide popularity to the Trade Union Sanatorium "Khmilnyk". Numerous observations show the high efficiency of patients with diseases of the joints. Comprehensive treatment includes adherence to physical activity, balneological procedures, climate therapy, methods of physiotherapy, medical nutrition, medications.


1. Rheumatism with polyarthralgia.

2. Rheumatoid polyarthritis.

3. Ankylosing spondylitis.

4. Systemic or focal scleroderma.

5. Reiter, Sjogren, Felty, Kaplan syndrome.

6. Osteochondrosis.

7. Different degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints.

8. Dystrophic polyarthritis.

9. Micro and macro traumatic arthritis.

Indications for the rehabilitation therapy of patients with metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine glands.

Based on long-term clinical observations and special studies, high efficiency of balneotherapy of patients with diseases of the endocrine system has been established. The basic principles of the differentiated treatment of these patients are reduced to the regulation and restoration of impaired functions of the endocrine glands, the establishment of metabolism, and the weakening of inflammatory processes.


1. Obesity.

2. Gout.

3. Diabetes.

Note. Radon water is the main therapeutic factor in the Khmilnyk sanatorium in the complex treatment of patients with diabetes. The positive effect of radon waters on carbohydrate metabolism, protein and fat has been proven. There is a pronounced therapeutic effect, improving the general condition of patients and indicators of carbohydrate metabolism in particular. Under the influence of complex radon-balmophysiotherapeutic treatment, the tolerance of the organism to carbohydrates is normalized.

4. Hyperthyriosis.

Indications for the rehabilitation therapy of patients with diseases of the digestive system.

The ubiquity of the diseases of the digestive tract, the chronic relapsing course of them with long-term disability, frequent complications that threaten the lives of patients - all these circumstances determine the social significance of the problem. In studying the immunological aspects of radon therapy, attention is paid to a number of diseases in which immune disorders do not play a leading role in primary pathogenesis, but can significantly influence the course of an already developed pathological process.



1. Chronic gastritis.

2. Chronic colitis, enterocolitis.

3. Peptic ulcer.

4. Postoperative diseases of the stomach (gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis).

5. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract.

6. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

7. Intestinal dyskinesia.

Indications for the rehabilitation treatment of urological patients with genital pathology in men.

A special study of urological patients who took treatment at the Trade union sanatorium "Khmilnyk" showed very good results. The balneotherapy technique is used in combination with a large arsenal of other physiotherapeutic procedures. As a result of the course of treatment, more than 90% improve the condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. This fact testifies to the high value of health-improving factors of the health center and their suitability for the treatment of urological patients.


1. Urolithiasis.

2. Chronic prostatitis.

3. Orchitis.

4. Cystalgia.

5. Chronic pyelonephritis.

6. Interstitial nephritis (with no signs of activity of the process with moderate functional impairment).

7. Sexual weakness.

8. Consequences of traumatic injuries of the urogenital system.

Indications for the rehabilitation therapy of diseases of the female genital organs.

The use of radon therapy in the Khmilnyk sanatorium, together with physical procedures, physical therapy, diet therapy, is an effective treatment for female diseases. Sanatorium-resort treatment is necessary in the general system of measures taken to improve the health of women and their effective medical rehabilitation.


1. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages (in the chronic stage in the absence of infiltrates in the pelvis and signs of activity of the process).

2. Ovarian dysfunction.

3. Salpingitis.

4. Amenorrhea.

5. Hypomenorrhea.

6. Infertility.

7. Uterine fibroids.

8. Endometritis, endometriosis.

9. States after operations.

10. Inflammatory diseases of the tubes and ovaries.

11. Early menopause.

Indications for rehabilitation therapy with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In the “Khmilnyk” Trade Union Sanatorium in the treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, along with medication, physical methods are used, which form the basis of recovery in the resort. Comprehensive spa treatment in a sanatorium includes radon-balneotherapy, physiotherapy, medical therapy, medical nutrition, etc. The high and persistent efficacy of treating diseases of the cardiovascular system in the sanatorium Khmilnyk is not inferior to well-known specialized cardiological resorts.


1. Rheumatism.

2. Hypertension.

3. Hypotension.

4. Ischemic heart disease.

5. Postmyocarditis cardiosclerosis.

6. Cardiomyopathy.

7. Mitral and aortic valve disease.

8. Obliterating atherosclerosis.

9. Obliterating thromboangiitis.

10. Chronic venous insufficiency.

11. Neurosis.

Indications for rehabilitation therapy with diseases of the nervous system.

Physical and nontraditional methods of treatment can complement or replace many methods, including pharmacological ones. Skillful combination of balneotherapy, physiotherapy with drug therapy by the specialists of the Trade Union Sanatorium "Khmilnyk" allows to significantly reduce the dosage of drugs to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The combined use of radon therapy with physiotherapy allows: to quickly adapt the body to the microclimatic conditions of the resort; enhance the effect of resort factors; significantly increase the duration of treatment; Increase the tolerability of various treatment options and alternative treatments.


1. Neurosis.

2. Radiculitis, radiculitis.

3. Polyneuritis, polyradiculitis, neurofibro-myositis.

4. Neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal nerve and brachial plexus.

5. Vegetative polyneuropathy.

6. Injuries to the nerve plexuses, trunks, roots, which do not require surgical intervention.

Indications for rehabilitation therapy with respiratory diseases.

In the “Khmilnyk Trade Union Sanatorium” resort therapy for patients with lung diseases is complex, including the use of radon baths in combination with generally accepted physiotherapeutic methods, the effect of which is potentiated in favorable health resort climatic conditions.


1. Chronic bronchitis, sinusitis.

2. Bronchial asthma.

3. Emphysema.

4. Pleurisy.

5. Bronchiectasis.

6. Residual effects after pneumonia.

7. Pneumosclerosis.

Indications for rehabilitation with skin diseases.

Clinical studies and long-term observations indicate a high efficacy of the use of radon therapy in the Khmilnyk sanatorium in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. Improvement in the spa leads to the renewal of the physiological functions of the skin, inhibition of aging, contributes to the epithelialization, activation of additional glands. Spa treatment at the Khmilnyk Trade Union Sanatorium is an important part of the staged treatment of patients with chronic skin diseases.


1. Chronic eczema.

2. Neurodermatitis.

3. Psoriasis.

4. Deprive (various forms).

5. Itchy dermatosis.

6. Scleroderma.

7. Red lichen planus.

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